SinterCast Mini-System 4000
The newly upgraded Mini-System 4000 is a purpose-built thermal analysis system for product development, prototyping and niche volume production. The Mini-System 4000 uses the same sampling technology and software as the fully automated System 4000 but is based on a simplified hardware platform. All analysis results and thermal analysis process parameters are available to foundry supervisors and engineers. All product calibrations developed using the Mini-System 4000 can be directly transferred to the fully automated System 4000 to provide continuity as products evolve to series production.

Mini-System 4000

Mini-System 4000
The Mini-System 4000 is based on a standard System 4000 Operator Control Module, housing the main process computer, measurement electronics and the operator display screen. The Mini-System 4000 provides a simplified Sampling Module (SAM) for mounting the Sampling Cup and a standard Operator Box and Signal Lamp to enable the operator to interact with the system.
The Mini-System 4000 does not include a wirefeeder. The foundry can source a separate wirefeeder and manually input the magnesium and inoculant wire addition amounts that are displayed on the operator display screen.
The Mini-System 4000 displays magnesium, inoculant and carbon equivalent results as histogram run-charts with all information in the local language. The highly visible Signal Lamp, with increased visibility and flexibility for colour signals and indicators, is used to communicate with the operator for ease of use operation.
The Mini-System 4000 uses the same proven, high resolution SinterCast thermal analysis technology and software as the full System 4000. All CGI product calibrations developed with the Mini-System 4000 can be directly transferred to the fully automated System 4000 to provide continuity from product development to series production.
Software Access – Independent Control
Foundry supervisors have full access to the process parameters, directly from their desktop computers, allowing the foundry to independently develop and calibrate new products and to modify parameters for niche volume series production.
The Mini-System 4000 uses the same comprehensive manuals as the fully automated System 4000 for describing the operation and maintenance of the system. The Supervisor (Technical Reference) Manual provides detailed information on the use of the software, the access menus, and maintenance and troubleshooting. A Components Catalogue is provided to describe the hardware modules and individual components that can be sourced as spare parts.
Download PDF
- Data Sheet: SinterCast Mini-System 4000 and Wirefeeder